
Abbott, T.H. and P.A. O'Gorman (2024), Impact of precipitation mass sinks on midlatitude storms in idealized simulations across a wide range of climates, Weather and Climate Dynamics. [pdf][journal]

Abbott, T.H. and T.W. Cronin (2023), Multiple Equilibria and Soil Moisture-Precipitation Feedbacks in Idealized Convection-Permitting Simulations With an Open Hydrological Cycle, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. [pdf][journal]

Abbott, T.H. and T.W. Cronin (2021), Aerosol invigoration of convection through increases in humidity, Science. [arxiv][journal]

Abbott, T.H., T.W. Cronin and T. Beucler (2020), Convective Dynamics and the Response of Precipitation Extremes to Warming in Radiative–Convective Equilibrium, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. [arxiv][journal]

Hausfather, Z., H.F. Drake, T.H. Abbott and G.A. Schmidt (2020), Evaluating the performance of past climate model projections, Geophysical Research Letters. [journal]

Beucler, T., T.H. Abbott, T.W. Cronin and M.S. Pritchard (2019), Comparing Convective Self‐Aggregation in Idealized Models to Observed Moist Static Energy Variability Near the Equator, Geophysical Research Letters. [arxiv][journal]

Abbott, T.H., S.N. Stechmann and J.D. Neelin (2016), Long temporal autocorrelations in tropical precipitation data and spike train prototypes, Geophysical Research Letters. [journal]